BABEL Verlag
Kevin Perryman
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Dove-Marks on Stone
"this lovingly produced anthology achieves its aim admirably" (Chapman)
"A collector's item ... It is fitting that loss, grief and tribute run
through the collection." (The Orcadian)
Dove-Marks on Stone is an anthology of new poems for George Mackay Brown (1921-1996)
by authors to whom his work means a lot - on what would have been his 75th birthday.
The collection contains unpublished poems by George Mackay Brown, Catherine Fisher,
Seamus Heaney, Christopher Jenkin-Jones, K. A. Perryman,
Sheenagh Pugh, Deborah Randall, and R. S. Thomas.
The book (24.5 x 16.6 cm; 20 pp.) was set in Monotype Bodoni and printed (the title page in two
colours, black and brown) by letterpress on off-white deckle-edged Magnani mould-made acid-free
rag paper at the Stamperia Valdonega (the title page and the initials having been set by hand) in
an edition of 225 copies, hand-sewn into printed brown Fabriano Ingres wrappers. 25 copies contain
an original black-and-white photograph of George Mackay Brown by Gunnie Moberg, and are signed by
Catherine Fisher, Seamus Heaney, Christopher Jenkin-Jones, Gunnie Moberg,
K. A. Perryman, Sheenagh
Pugh, Deborah Randall and R. S. Thomas.
various authors, DOVE-MARKS ON STONE (English only) ISBN 978-3-931798-08-6
— out of print —
cf. George Mackay Brown,
Foresterhill and
Grain of Dust from the Floor of Heaven / Staubkorn vom Boden des Himmels
cf. R. S. Thomas,
The Bright Field / Das helle Feld,
Decidious Language / Laubbaum Sprache,
Charity's Scarecrow / Die Vogelscheuche Nächstenliebe,
With Claws of Fire / Mit Fängen aus Feuer,
Das Kreuz,
The Cross,
The Sky-Rhyming Child / Das himmelreimende Kind,
In Delicate Nooses / In zierlichen Schlingen and
Stone Twittering / Steinzwitschern