BABEL Verlag
Kevin Perryman
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The Bright Field
Das helle Feld
— new edition —
A bilingual volume of 30 poems (from the last five decades) by R. S. Thomas.
This first selection of his work in book form in German includes a previously uncollected poem.
The text was set in Garamond and printed by offset lithography by Dinauer GmbH, Puchheim
on 120gsm off-white wood-free paper. Format: 24 x 17.5 cm; 84pp.; 1,000 copies.
The book is sewn, with a 240gsm wrap-around wood-free paper cover (Munken Pure Design Card)
printed in two colours.
R. S. Thomas DAS HELLE FELD (bilingual)
ISBN 978-3-931798-38-3 £ 18
Decidious Language / Laubbaum Sprache,
Charity's Scarecrow / Die Vogelscheuche Nächstenliebe,
With Claws of Fire / Mit Fängen aus Feuer,
Das Kreuz,
The Cross,
The Sky-Rhyming Child / Das himmelreimende Kind,
In Delicate Nooses / In zierlichen Schlingen,
Stone Twittering / Steinzwitschern and
Dove-Marks on Stone